DIY Logging Volt/Ampmeter
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678]
 adc.hThis file contains all the function prototypes for the adc.c file
 conversion.hConversion and settings-related methods and structs for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 display.hDisplay updating functionality for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 gpio.hThis file contains all the function prototypes for the gpio.c file
 i2c.hThis file contains all the function prototypes for the i2c.c file
 main.hMain header-file for the high-precision logging voltage/current meter project
 rtc.hRTC functionality for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 stm32_assert.hSTM32 assert file
 stm32f1xx_hal_conf.hHAL configuration file
 stm32f1xx_it.hThis file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers
 tim.hThis file contains all the function prototypes for the tim.c file
 usart.hU(S)ART functionality for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 util.hUtility functionality for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 adc.cThis file provides code for the configuration of the ADC instances
 conversion.cConversion and settings-related methods and structs for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 display.cDisplay updating functionality for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 gpio.cThis file provides code for the configuration of all used GPIO pins
 i2c.cThis file provides code for the configuration of the I2C instances
 main.cMain source-file for the high-precision logging voltage/current meter project
 rtc.cRTC functionality for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 stm32f1xx_hal_msp.cThis file provides code for the MSP Initialization and de-Initialization codes
 stm32f1xx_it.cInterrupt Service Routines
 syscalls.cSTM32CubeIDE Minimal System calls file
 sysmem.cSTM32CubeIDE System Memory calls file
 system_stm32f1xx.cCMSIS Cortex-M3 Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File
 tim.cThis file provides code for the configuration of the TIM instances
 usart.cU(S)ART functionality for high-precision logging voltage/current meter
 util.cUtility functionality for high-precision logging voltage/current meter