DIY Logging Volt/Ampmeter
cmsis_armcc.h File Reference

CMSIS compiler ARMCC (Arm Compiler 5) header file. More...

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#define __ASM   __asm
#define __INLINE   __inline
#define __STATIC_INLINE   static __inline
#define __STATIC_FORCEINLINE   static __forceinline
#define __NO_RETURN   __declspec(noreturn)
#define __USED   __attribute__((used))
#define __WEAK   __attribute__((weak))
#define __PACKED   __attribute__((packed))
#define __PACKED_STRUCT   __packed struct
#define __PACKED_UNION   __packed union
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32(x)   (*((__packed uint32_t *)(x)))
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_WRITE(addr, val)   ((*((__packed uint16_t *)(addr))) = (val))
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_READ(addr)   (*((const __packed uint16_t *)(addr)))
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_WRITE(addr, val)   ((*((__packed uint32_t *)(addr))) = (val))
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_READ(addr)   (*((const __packed uint32_t *)(addr)))
#define __ALIGNED(x)   __attribute__((aligned(x)))
#define __RESTRICT   __restrict
#define __NOP   __nop
 No Operation. More...
#define __WFI   __wfi
 Wait For Interrupt. More...
#define __WFE   __wfe
 Wait For Event. More...
#define __SEV   __sev
 Send Event. More...
#define __ISB()
 Instruction Synchronization Barrier. More...
#define __DSB()
 Data Synchronization Barrier. More...
#define __DMB()
 Data Memory Barrier. More...
#define __REV   __rev
 Reverse byte order (32 bit) More...
#define __ROR   __ror
 Rotate Right in unsigned value (32 bit) More...
#define __BKPT(value)   __breakpoint(value)
 Breakpoint. More...
#define __CLZ   __clz
 Count leading zeros. More...


static __inline uint32_t __get_CONTROL (void)
 Enable IRQ Interrupts. More...
static __inline void __set_CONTROL (uint32_t control)
 Set Control Register. More...
static __inline uint32_t __get_IPSR (void)
 Get IPSR Register. More...
static __inline uint32_t __get_APSR (void)
 Get APSR Register. More...
static __inline uint32_t __get_xPSR (void)
 Get xPSR Register. More...
static __inline uint32_t __get_PSP (void)
 Get Process Stack Pointer. More...
static __inline void __set_PSP (uint32_t topOfProcStack)
 Set Process Stack Pointer. More...
static __inline uint32_t __get_MSP (void)
 Get Main Stack Pointer. More...
static __inline void __set_MSP (uint32_t topOfMainStack)
 Set Main Stack Pointer. More...
static __inline uint32_t __get_PRIMASK (void)
 Get Priority Mask. More...
static __inline void __set_PRIMASK (uint32_t priMask)
 Set Priority Mask. More...
static __inline uint32_t __get_FPSCR (void)
 Get FPSCR. More...
static __inline void __set_FPSCR (uint32_t fpscr)
 Set FPSCR. More...
 __attribute__ ((section(".rev16_text"))) static __inline __asm uint32_t __REV16(uint32_t value)
 Reverse byte order (16 bit) More...
 __attribute__ ((section(".revsh_text"))) static __inline __asm int16_t __REVSH(int16_t value)
 Reverse byte order (16 bit) More...
 __attribute__ ((always_inline)) static __inline uint32_t __RBIT(uint32_t value)
 Reverse bit order of value. More...


uint32_t sat

Detailed Description

CMSIS compiler ARMCC (Arm Compiler 5) header file.

10. January 2018

Definition in file cmsis_armcc.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define __ALIGNED (   x)    __attribute__((aligned(x)))

Definition at line 98 of file cmsis_armcc.h.

◆ __ASM

#define __ASM   __asm

Definition at line 53 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __INLINE   __inline

Definition at line 56 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __NO_RETURN   __declspec(noreturn)

Definition at line 65 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __PACKED   __attribute__((packed))

Definition at line 74 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __PACKED_STRUCT   __packed struct

Definition at line 77 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __PACKED_UNION   __packed union

Definition at line 80 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __RESTRICT   __restrict

Definition at line 101 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __STATIC_FORCEINLINE   static __forceinline

Definition at line 62 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __STATIC_INLINE   static __inline

Definition at line 59 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_READ (   addr)    (*((const __packed uint16_t *)(addr)))

Definition at line 89 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_WRITE (   addr,
)    ((*((__packed uint16_t *)(addr))) = (val))

Definition at line 86 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32 (   x)    (*((__packed uint32_t *)(x)))

Definition at line 83 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_READ (   addr)    (*((const __packed uint32_t *)(addr)))

Definition at line 95 of file cmsis_armcc.h.


#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_WRITE (   addr,
)    ((*((__packed uint32_t *)(addr))) = (val))

Definition at line 92 of file cmsis_armcc.h.

◆ __USED

#define __USED   __attribute__((used))

Definition at line 68 of file cmsis_armcc.h.

◆ __WEAK

#define __WEAK   __attribute__((weak))

Definition at line 71 of file cmsis_armcc.h.