DIY Logging Volt/Ampmeter
stm32f1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h File Reference

Header file of GPIO HAL Extension module. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


 Enable the remapping of SPI1 alternate function NSS, SCK, MISO and MOSI. More...
 Disable the remapping of SPI1 alternate function NSS, SCK, MISO and MOSI. More...
 Enable the remapping of I2C1 alternate function SCL and SDA. More...
 Disable the remapping of I2C1 alternate function SCL and SDA. More...
 Enable the remapping of USART1 alternate function TX and RX. More...
 Disable the remapping of USART1 alternate function TX and RX. More...
 Enable the remapping of USART2 alternate function CTS, RTS, CK, TX and RX. More...
 Disable the remapping of USART2 alternate function CTS, RTS, CK, TX and RX. More...
 Enable the remapping of USART3 alternate function CTS, RTS, CK, TX and RX. More...
 Enable the remapping of USART3 alternate function CTS, RTS, CK, TX and RX. More...
 Disable the remapping of USART3 alternate function CTS, RTS, CK, TX and RX. More...
 Enable the remapping of TIM1 alternate function channels 1 to 4, 1N to 3N, external trigger (ETR) and Break input (BKIN) More...
 Enable the remapping of TIM1 alternate function channels 1 to 4, 1N to 3N, external trigger (ETR) and Break input (BKIN) More...
 Disable the remapping of TIM1 alternate function channels 1 to 4, 1N to 3N, external trigger (ETR) and Break input (BKIN) More...
 Enable the remapping of TIM2 alternate function channels 1 to 4 and external trigger (ETR) More...
 Enable the remapping of TIM2 alternate function channels 1 to 4 and external trigger (ETR) More...
 Enable the remapping of TIM2 alternate function channels 1 to 4 and external trigger (ETR) More...
 Disable the remapping of TIM2 alternate function channels 1 to 4 and external trigger (ETR) More...
 Enable the remapping of TIM3 alternate function channels 1 to 4. More...
 Enable the remapping of TIM3 alternate function channels 1 to 4. More...
 Disable the remapping of TIM3 alternate function channels 1 to 4. More...
 Enable the remapping of TIM4 alternate function channels 1 to 4. More...
 Disable the remapping of TIM4 alternate function channels 1 to 4. More...
 Enable the remapping of PD0 and PD1. When the HSE oscillator is not used (application running on internal 8 MHz RC) PD0 and PD1 can be mapped on OSC_IN and OSC_OUT. This is available only on 36, 48 and 64 pins packages (PD0 and PD1 are available on 100-pin and 144-pin packages, no need for remapping). More...
 Disable the remapping of PD0 and PD1. When the HSE oscillator is not used (application running on internal 8 MHz RC) PD0 and PD1 can be mapped on OSC_IN and OSC_OUT. This is available only on 36, 48 and 64 pins packages (PD0 and PD1 are available on 100-pin and 144-pin packages, no need for remapping). More...
 Enable the remapping of ADC1_ETRGINJ (ADC 1 External trigger injected conversion). More...
 Disable the remapping of ADC1_ETRGINJ (ADC 1 External trigger injected conversion). More...
 Enable the remapping of ADC1_ETRGREG (ADC 1 External trigger regular conversion). More...
 Disable the remapping of ADC1_ETRGREG (ADC 1 External trigger regular conversion). More...
 Enable the Serial wire JTAG configuration. More...
 Enable the Serial wire JTAG configuration. More...
 Enable the Serial wire JTAG configuration. More...
 Disable the Serial wire JTAG configuration. More...


void HAL_GPIOEx_ConfigEventout (uint32_t GPIO_PortSource, uint32_t GPIO_PinSource)
void HAL_GPIOEx_EnableEventout (void)
void HAL_GPIOEx_DisableEventout (void)

Detailed Description

Header file of GPIO HAL Extension module.

MCD Application Team

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This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Definition in file stm32f1xx_hal_gpio_ex.h.