DIY Logging Volt/Ampmeter
USB_TypeDef Struct Reference

Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device. More...

#include <stm32f103xb.h>

Data Fields

__IO uint16_t EP0R
__IO uint16_t RESERVED0
__IO uint16_t EP1R
__IO uint16_t RESERVED1
__IO uint16_t EP2R
__IO uint16_t RESERVED2
__IO uint16_t EP3R
__IO uint16_t RESERVED3
__IO uint16_t EP4R
__IO uint16_t RESERVED4
__IO uint16_t EP5R
__IO uint16_t RESERVED5
__IO uint16_t EP6R
__IO uint16_t RESERVED6
__IO uint16_t EP7R
__IO uint16_t RESERVED7 [17]
__IO uint16_t CNTR
__IO uint16_t RESERVED8
__IO uint16_t ISTR
__IO uint16_t RESERVED9
__IO uint16_t FNR
__IO uint16_t RESERVEDA
__IO uint16_t DADDR
__IO uint16_t RESERVEDB
__IO uint16_t BTABLE
__IO uint16_t RESERVEDC

Detailed Description

Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device.

Definition at line 522 of file stm32f103xb.h.

Field Documentation


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::BTABLE

Buffer Table address register, Address offset: 0x50

Definition at line 548 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::CNTR

Control register, Address offset: 0x40

Definition at line 540 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::DADDR

Device address register, Address offset: 0x4C

Definition at line 546 of file stm32f103xb.h.

◆ EP0R

__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::EP0R

USB Endpoint 0 register, Address offset: 0x00

Definition at line 524 of file stm32f103xb.h.

◆ EP1R

__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::EP1R

USB Endpoint 1 register, Address offset: 0x04

Definition at line 526 of file stm32f103xb.h.

◆ EP2R

__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::EP2R

USB Endpoint 2 register, Address offset: 0x08

Definition at line 528 of file stm32f103xb.h.

◆ EP3R

__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::EP3R

USB Endpoint 3 register, Address offset: 0x0C

Definition at line 530 of file stm32f103xb.h.

◆ EP4R

__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::EP4R

USB Endpoint 4 register, Address offset: 0x10

Definition at line 532 of file stm32f103xb.h.

◆ EP5R

__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::EP5R

USB Endpoint 5 register, Address offset: 0x14

Definition at line 534 of file stm32f103xb.h.

◆ EP6R

__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::EP6R

USB Endpoint 6 register, Address offset: 0x18

Definition at line 536 of file stm32f103xb.h.

◆ EP7R

__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::EP7R

USB Endpoint 7 register, Address offset: 0x1C

Definition at line 538 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::FNR

Frame number register, Address offset: 0x48

Definition at line 544 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::ISTR

Interrupt status register, Address offset: 0x44

Definition at line 542 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED0


Definition at line 525 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED1


Definition at line 527 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED2


Definition at line 529 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED3


Definition at line 531 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED4


Definition at line 533 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED5


Definition at line 535 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED6


Definition at line 537 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED7[17]


Definition at line 539 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED8


Definition at line 541 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVED9


Definition at line 543 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVEDA


Definition at line 545 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVEDB


Definition at line 547 of file stm32f103xb.h.


__IO uint16_t USB_TypeDef::RESERVEDC


Definition at line 549 of file stm32f103xb.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: