DIY Logging Volt/Ampmeter
TIM Timers. More...
#include <stm32f103xb.h>
Data Fields | |
__IO uint32_t | CR1 |
__IO uint32_t | CR2 |
__IO uint32_t | SMCR |
__IO uint32_t | DIER |
__IO uint32_t | SR |
__IO uint32_t | EGR |
__IO uint32_t | CCMR1 |
__IO uint32_t | CCMR2 |
__IO uint32_t | CCER |
__IO uint32_t | CNT |
__IO uint32_t | PSC |
__IO uint32_t | ARR |
__IO uint32_t | RCR |
__IO uint32_t | CCR1 |
__IO uint32_t | CCR2 |
__IO uint32_t | CCR3 |
__IO uint32_t | CCR4 |
__IO uint32_t | BDTR |
__IO uint32_t | DCR |
__IO uint32_t | DMAR |
__IO uint32_t | OR |
TIM Timers.
Definition at line 477 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::ARR |
TIM auto-reload register, Address offset: 0x2C
Definition at line 490 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::BDTR |
TIM break and dead-time register, Address offset: 0x44
Definition at line 496 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CCER |
TIM capture/compare enable register, Address offset: 0x20
Definition at line 487 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CCMR1 |
TIM capture/compare mode register 1, Address offset: 0x18
Definition at line 485 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CCMR2 |
TIM capture/compare mode register 2, Address offset: 0x1C
Definition at line 486 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CCR1 |
TIM capture/compare register 1, Address offset: 0x34
Definition at line 492 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CCR2 |
TIM capture/compare register 2, Address offset: 0x38
Definition at line 493 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CCR3 |
TIM capture/compare register 3, Address offset: 0x3C
Definition at line 494 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CCR4 |
TIM capture/compare register 4, Address offset: 0x40
Definition at line 495 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CNT |
TIM counter register, Address offset: 0x24
Definition at line 488 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CR1 |
TIM control register 1, Address offset: 0x00
Definition at line 479 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::CR2 |
TIM control register 2, Address offset: 0x04
Definition at line 480 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::DCR |
TIM DMA control register, Address offset: 0x48
Definition at line 497 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::DIER |
TIM DMA/interrupt enable register, Address offset: 0x0C
Definition at line 482 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::DMAR |
TIM DMA address for full transfer register, Address offset: 0x4C
Definition at line 498 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::EGR |
TIM event generation register, Address offset: 0x14
Definition at line 484 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::OR |
TIM option register, Address offset: 0x50
Definition at line 499 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::PSC |
TIM prescaler register, Address offset: 0x28
Definition at line 489 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::RCR |
TIM repetition counter register, Address offset: 0x30
Definition at line 491 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::SMCR |
TIM slave Mode Control register, Address offset: 0x08
Definition at line 481 of file stm32f103xb.h.
__IO uint32_t TIM_TypeDef::SR |
TIM status register, Address offset: 0x10
Definition at line 483 of file stm32f103xb.h.