DIY Logging Volt/Ampmeter
C__DMA_HandleTypeDef | DMA handle Structure definition |
C__iar_u32 | |
CADC_Common_TypeDef | |
CADC_TypeDef | Analog to Digital Converter |
CAFIO_TypeDef | Alternate Function I/O |
CAPSR_Type | Union type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR) |
CARM_MPU_Region_t | |
CBKP_TypeDef | Backup Registers |
CCAN_FIFOMailBox_TypeDef | Controller Area Network FIFOMailBox |
CCAN_FilterRegister_TypeDef | Controller Area Network FilterRegister |
CCAN_TxMailBox_TypeDef | Controller Area Network TxMailBox |
CCAN_TypeDef | Controller Area Network |
CcData_t | |
CCONTROL_Type | Union type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL) |
CCoreDebug_Type | Structure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug) |
CCRC_TypeDef | CRC calculation unit |
CData_t | |
CDBGMCU_TypeDef | Debug MCU |
CDMA_Channel_TypeDef | DMA Controller |
CDMA_InitTypeDef | DMA Configuration Structure definition |
CDMA_TypeDef | |
CDWT_Type | Structure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT) |
CEXTI_ConfigTypeDef | EXTI Configuration structure definition |
CEXTI_HandleTypeDef | EXTI Handle structure definition |
CEXTI_TypeDef | External Interrupt/Event Controller |
CFLASH_EraseInitTypeDef | FLASH Erase structure definition |
CFLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef | FLASH Options bytes program structure definition |
CFLASH_ProcessTypeDef | FLASH handle Structure definition |
CFLASH_TypeDef | FLASH Registers |
CFontDef | |
CFPU_Type | Structure type to access the Floating Point Unit (FPU) |
CGPIO_InitTypeDef | GPIO Init structure definition |
CGPIO_TypeDef | General Purpose I/O |
CI2C_HandleTypeDef | |
CI2C_InitTypeDef | |
CI2C_TypeDef | Inter Integrated Circuit Interface |
CIPSR_Type | Union type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR) |
CITM_Type | Structure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM) |
CIWDG_TypeDef | Independent WATCHDOG |
CLL_UTILS_ClkInitTypeDef | UTILS System, AHB and APB buses clock configuration structure definition |
CLL_UTILS_PLLInitTypeDef | UTILS PLL structure definition |
CNVIC_Type | Structure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) |
COB_TypeDef | Option Bytes Registers |
CPWR_PVDTypeDef | PWR PVD configuration structure definition |
CPWR_TypeDef | Power Control |
CRCC_ClkInitTypeDef | RCC System, AHB and APB busses clock configuration structure definition |
CRCC_OscInitTypeDef | RCC Internal/External Oscillator (HSE, HSI, LSE and LSI) configuration structure definition |
CRCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef | RCC extended clocks structure definition |
CRCC_PLLInitTypeDef | RCC PLL configuration structure definition |
CRCC_TypeDef | Reset and Clock Control |
CRTC_dateTime_t | |
CRTC_TypeDef | Real-Time Clock |
CSCB_Type | Structure type to access the System Control Block (SCB) |
CSCnSCB_Type | Structure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB |
CSettings_t | |
CSPI_TypeDef | Serial Peripheral Interface |
CSSD1306_t | |
CSysTick_Type | Structure type to access the System Timer (SysTick) |
CTIM_Base_InitTypeDef | TIM Time base Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_BreakDeadTimeConfigTypeDef | TIM Break input(s) and Dead time configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_ClearInputConfigTypeDef | TIM Clear Input Configuration Handle Structure definition |
CTIM_ClockConfigTypeDef | Clock Configuration Handle Structure definition |
CTIM_Encoder_InitTypeDef | TIM Encoder Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_HallSensor_InitTypeDef | TIM Hall sensor Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_HandleTypeDef | TIM Time Base Handle Structure definition |
CTIM_IC_InitTypeDef | TIM Input Capture Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_MasterConfigTypeDef | TIM Master configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_OC_InitTypeDef | TIM Output Compare Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_OnePulse_InitTypeDef | TIM One Pulse Mode Configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_SlaveConfigTypeDef | TIM Slave configuration Structure definition |
CTIM_TypeDef | TIM Timers |
CTPI_Type | Structure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI) |
CUSART_TypeDef | Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter |
CUSB_TypeDef | Universal Serial Bus Full Speed Device |
CWWDG_TypeDef | Window WATCHDOG |
CxPSR_Type | Union type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR) |