DIY Logging Volt/Ampmeter
Macros | |
#define | ETH_MMCCR 0x00000100U |
#define | ETH_MMCRIR 0x00000104U |
#define | ETH_MMCTIR 0x00000108U |
#define | ETH_MMCRIMR 0x0000010CU |
#define | ETH_MMCTIMR 0x00000110U |
#define | ETH_MMCTGFSCCR 0x0000014CU |
#define | ETH_MMCTGFMSCCR 0x00000150U |
#define | ETH_MMCTGFCR 0x00000168U |
#define | ETH_MMCRFCECR 0x00000194U |
#define | ETH_MMCRFAECR 0x00000198U |
#define | ETH_MMCRGUFCR 0x000001C4U |
#define | ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_FULL 0x02000000U /* Tx FIFO full */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TXFIFONOT_EMPTY 0x01000000U /* Tx FIFO not empty */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE 0x00400000U /* Tx FIFO write active */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_IDLE 0x00000000U /* Tx FIFO read status: Idle */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_READ 0x00100000U /* Tx FIFO read status: Read (transferring data to the MAC transmitter) */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WAITING 0x00200000U /* Tx FIFO read status: Waiting for TxStatus from MAC transmitter */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WRITING 0x00300000U /* Tx FIFO read status: Writing the received TxStatus or flushing the TxFIFO */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TRANSMISSION_PAUSE 0x00080000U /* MAC transmitter in pause */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_IDLE 0x00000000U /* MAC transmit frame controller: Idle */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_WAITING 0x00020000U /* MAC transmit frame controller: Waiting for Status of previous frame or IFG/backoff period to be over */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_GENRATING_PCF 0x00040000U /* MAC transmit frame controller: Generating and transmitting a Pause control frame (in full duplex mode) */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_TRANSFERRING 0x00060000U /* MAC transmit frame controller: Transferring input frame for transmission */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_MII_TRANSMIT_ACTIVE 0x00010000U /* MAC MII transmit engine active */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_EMPTY 0x00000000U /* Rx FIFO fill level: empty */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_BELOW_THRESHOLD 0x00000100U /* Rx FIFO fill level: fill-level below flow-control de-activate threshold */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_ABOVE_THRESHOLD 0x00000200U /* Rx FIFO fill level: fill-level above flow-control activate threshold */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_FULL 0x00000300U /* Rx FIFO fill level: full */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_IDLE 0x00000000U /* Rx FIFO read controller IDLE state */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_READING_DATA 0x00000020U /* Rx FIFO read controller Reading frame data */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_READING_STATUS 0x00000040U /* Rx FIFO read controller Reading frame status (or time-stamp) */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_FLUSHING 0x00000060U /* Rx FIFO read controller Flushing the frame data and status */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE 0x00000010U /* Rx FIFO write controller active */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_NOTACTIVE 0x00000000U /* MAC small FIFO read / write controllers not active */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_READ_ACTIVE 0x00000002U /* MAC small FIFO read controller active */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE 0x00000004U /* MAC small FIFO write controller active */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_RW_ACTIVE 0x00000006U /* MAC small FIFO read / write controllers active */ |
#define | ETH_MAC_MII_RECEIVE_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE 0x00000001U /* MAC MII receive protocol engine active */ |
Definition at line 1327 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_MII_RECEIVE_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE 0x00000001U /* MAC MII receive protocol engine active */ |
Definition at line 1370 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_MII_TRANSMIT_ACTIVE 0x00010000U /* MAC MII transmit engine active */ |
Definition at line 1353 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_FLUSHING 0x00000060U /* Rx FIFO read controller Flushing the frame data and status */ |
Definition at line 1364 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_IDLE 0x00000000U /* Rx FIFO read controller IDLE state */ |
Definition at line 1360 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_READING_DATA 0x00000020U /* Rx FIFO read controller Reading frame data */ |
Definition at line 1361 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_READCONTROLLER_READING_STATUS 0x00000040U /* Rx FIFO read controller Reading frame status (or time-stamp) */ |
Definition at line 1362 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_ABOVE_THRESHOLD 0x00000200U /* Rx FIFO fill level: fill-level above flow-control activate threshold */ |
Definition at line 1356 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_BELOW_THRESHOLD 0x00000100U /* Rx FIFO fill level: fill-level below flow-control de-activate threshold */ |
Definition at line 1355 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_EMPTY 0x00000000U /* Rx FIFO fill level: empty */ |
Definition at line 1354 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_FULL 0x00000300U /* Rx FIFO fill level: full */ |
Definition at line 1357 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_RXFIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE 0x00000010U /* Rx FIFO write controller active */ |
Definition at line 1365 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_NOTACTIVE 0x00000000U /* MAC small FIFO read / write controllers not active */ |
Definition at line 1366 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_READ_ACTIVE 0x00000002U /* MAC small FIFO read controller active */ |
Definition at line 1367 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_RW_ACTIVE 0x00000006U /* MAC small FIFO read / write controllers active */ |
Definition at line 1369 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_SMALL_FIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE 0x00000004U /* MAC small FIFO write controller active */ |
Definition at line 1368 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMISSION_PAUSE 0x00080000U /* MAC transmitter in pause */ |
Definition at line 1348 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_GENRATING_PCF 0x00040000U /* MAC transmit frame controller: Generating and transmitting a Pause control frame (in full duplex mode) */ |
Definition at line 1351 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_IDLE 0x00000000U /* MAC transmit frame controller: Idle */ |
Definition at line 1349 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_TRANSFERRING 0x00060000U /* MAC transmit frame controller: Transferring input frame for transmission */ |
Definition at line 1352 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TRANSMITFRAMECONTROLLER_WAITING 0x00020000U /* MAC transmit frame controller: Waiting for Status of previous frame or IFG/backoff period to be over */ |
Definition at line 1350 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_FULL 0x02000000U /* Tx FIFO full */ |
Definition at line 1341 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_IDLE 0x00000000U /* Tx FIFO read status: Idle */ |
Definition at line 1344 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_READ 0x00100000U /* Tx FIFO read status: Read (transferring data to the MAC transmitter) */ |
Definition at line 1345 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WAITING 0x00200000U /* Tx FIFO read status: Waiting for TxStatus from MAC transmitter */ |
Definition at line 1346 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WRITE_ACTIVE 0x00400000U /* Tx FIFO write active */ |
Definition at line 1343 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFO_WRITING 0x00300000U /* Tx FIFO read status: Writing the received TxStatus or flushing the TxFIFO */ |
Definition at line 1347 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MAC_TXFIFONOT_EMPTY 0x01000000U /* Tx FIFO not empty */ |
Definition at line 1342 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCCR 0x00000100U |
Definition at line 1329 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCRFAECR 0x00000198U |
Definition at line 1338 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCRFCECR 0x00000194U |
Definition at line 1337 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCRGUFCR 0x000001C4U |
Definition at line 1339 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCRIMR 0x0000010CU |
Definition at line 1332 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCRIR 0x00000104U |
Definition at line 1330 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCTGFCR 0x00000168U |
Definition at line 1336 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCTGFMSCCR 0x00000150U |
Definition at line 1335 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCTGFSCCR 0x0000014CU |
Definition at line 1334 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCTIMR 0x00000110U |
Definition at line 1333 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
#define ETH_MMCTIR 0x00000108U |
Definition at line 1331 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
Definition at line 1323 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
Definition at line 1325 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
Definition at line 1326 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
Definition at line 1324 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
Definition at line 1322 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
Definition at line 1321 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.
Definition at line 1320 of file stm32_hal_legacy.h.